
Over 300 Projects delivered to our clients


Who are we?

Your trusted partner for online, software needs. At Kipanga, we’re committed to providing high-quality software solutions to help your business thrive in the digital world. Our team of skilled professionals is here to understand your unique business requirements and offer a range of online solutions. Whether it’s developing an engaging branding website, setting up an e-commerce store, or implementing any online tool to improve your business processes, we’ve got you covered. Contact us now to take your business to the next level with our tailored online solutions.

E-commerce Experts

We know that e-commerce is essential to running a business in today’s digital age.

AWS Cloud Experts

Kipanga offers expert Amazon Web Services (AWS) consulting, development and support to help you take advantage of the power and scalability of the AWS cloud.

Software Experts

With over 25 years of experience, and projects in many different industries, we are well-versed in creating high-quality, custom software solutions.

Our Services


Online Solutions

Essential for Success: Establishing a robust online presence is essential for the success of any business.

Comprehensive Online Solutions: Kipanga provides a broad range of online solutions designed to elevate your business to new heights.

Expertise for Digital Success: Count on our team of experienced professionals! We are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure your digital success.


E - commerce

We understand the critical importance of e-commerce in today's business world and highlight its essential role in mastering the digital environment.

We are dedicated to delivering customised e-commerce strategies, carefully designed to meet the specific needs of your business.

With the knowledge of our experienced professionals, we excel in helping you effortlessly set up your online store. We aim to create a user-friendly platform that is optimised for the highest possible conversion rates.



Elevate your business with our specialised Amazon Web Services (AWS) consulting, development and support, unlocking the extensive capabilities and scalability of the AWS cloud.

Leverage the expertise of our seasoned AWS professionals ready to assist in designing, implementing, and managing your AWS infrastructure. Whether you're new to AWS or are looking to fine-tune your current setup, our team has the knowledge and experience to guide you.

Explore a comprehensive suite of AWS services available to you, including EC2, Lambda, Fargate, S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and more. We will tailor your infrastructure with precision using these versatile AWS solutions.


Business Automation

We recognise the challenges of managing a business in today's fast-paced environment and acknowledge the time pressures and the demanding nature of the tasks involved.

Enhance your business operations with our customised business automation services. Our solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing workflow to streamline your processes and enhance efficiency.

Experience a significant transformation when you choose us to automate your regular tasks and smoothly integrate your various systems and applications. Our team of experts is committed to not only saving your valuable time and resources but also boosting overall productivity



Navigating the evolving needs of your IT team presents its own set of difficulties.

Anticipating requirements in advance and recruiting a suitable team is a complex task

Partnering with us provides you with seamless access to top-tier IT professionals, including skilled software developers, experienced infrastructure professionals, and proficient DevOps specialists.

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What our Clients say

David and his team collaborated with us at Paytron, enabling us to construct the initial, crucially important MVP version of our platform. His profound expertise in AWS technologies....
Michael Jones​
Paytron, Principal Engineer
David has been instrumental in ensuring our cloud-based environment is robust and cost-effective. Kipanga has given us access to top-notch expertise without the need to employ an expensive....
Tiaan Dreyer
Co-Founder & CEO, Knose Pet Care
David and Kipanga have been a trusted software outsourced solution for Catch providing us with support with Magento projects and proven to be a highly reliable and professional firm...
Nati Harpaz
CEO, Catch Group

About Us

Welcome to Kipanga – your one-stop-shop for all your online software business needs. Our team of experts can help you identify what your business needs and take it to the next level with our wide range of online solutions. From branding sites and e-commerce shops to any online tool designed to streamline your operations, we’ve got you covered.
